Сервер Shattered Empire

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Сервер Shattered Empire
  • Игра: Blade and Soul
  • Рейты: Increased
  • Название: Shattered Empire
  • О сервере
  • Баннер

About Us:

Shattered Empire is brought to you by a group of change committed, Blade and Soul players with a mindset of Improving and Customizing already existing content, providing a little twist to suit your needs. Whether it would be Qualify of Life changes improving your gameplay, or classes and skills adjustments - All of the changes are visible to players in our weekly patch notes.

Our main goal is keep you entertained and enjoy the game as much as we do, with nothing blocking your Character progression pace at a given state in at a given moment!

We really hope you will enjoy your time spent with us!

Feel free to visit us at:

Our Discord: https://discord.gg/789v9VWhbA

Our Website and Registration page: https://sebns.com/

Server Location:

- EU Server Location – Eygelshoven, Germany;

- NA Server - Dallas, Texas.

- Lvl 60 voucher for fresh start;

- Free Name Change voucher;

- New player guide available on the website;

- Discord Online Bot (50-60 active players online at once);

- Smooth and Streamlined character progression with regular updates based on the released content;

- Weekly updates happening every Wednesday:

- Character Profile available from the website platform;

- Weekly Updates/Patch notes;

- Max level: 60(HM50);

- Super quick Unity Levels Progression;

- Multiple QoL improvements and changes, which were missing on Retail;

- 3rd Specs for the following classes: BM, KFM, DES, SIN, FM;

- Infinite Stamina/Windwalking across all of the zones;

- Windstride: 2 seconds;

- In-game Events, Open-World Events with multiple rewards to choose from;

- Solo-Entry F8 (Cross-Dungeon instance);

- Multiple Custom Vendors;

- Removal of the RNG Accessories drop in Raids;

- Custom Item Collection;

- Custom Achievement Titles;

- Multiple Costumes and Weapon skins taken from Retail;

- Over 100 Weapon skins and 1500 Outfits to choose from ;

- Passion driven development team - feel free to give us your feedback!

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