Сервер GloryToUa MU

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Сервер GloryToUa MU
  • Игра: MU Online
  • Рейты: Dynamicx100-x1
  • О сервере
  • Баннер

Launching a new Glory x100

Dear friends, we have fixed a lot of bugs and improved the Glory x100 server. Now we are ready to accept old and new players in Mu Online Classic PvP. We have changed the attitude and worked on a lot of issues related to player communication.

Important dates!

 Server start: Sep 3 at 20:00 Kyiv time Test Beta

Grand Open Server Start : Ukraine time 18:00 9/24/2022

Basic info!

 Server Version: Season 6 Episode 17

 Server rates: x100-1x

 Master Level Rates: x100 (Map: Swamp of Peace)

 Available characters: DW | DK | elf | MG | DL | SUM | RF

 Character Creation Level: MG - 1| DL-1

 Reworked Master Skill Three: 10 Points max for one skill.

 Zen Formula: 100*Monster Level + Item Zen Drop


Blood Castle Entry Limit: 4 entries per day per character : VIP Silver/ 6 Entreis/ Vip Gold/ 8 Entreis (reset at 11:00 server time each day)

Chaos Castle Entry Limit: 4 entries per day per character VIP Silver/ 6 Entreis/ Vip Gold/ 8 Entreis (reset at 11:00 server time each day)

Devil Square Entry Limit: 4 entries per day per character VIP Silver/ 6 Entreis/ Vip Gold/ 8 Entreis (reset at 11:00 server time each day))

Maximum number of Excellent options: 3

Maximum number of Socket options: 5

Max server reset: 50

Maximum stats on the server: 32767

Maximum Master Levels on the server: 400

Maximum number of open windows: 5

On our server, there is a system of sequential quests, with which you can diversify the gameplay and at the same time get prizes in the form of things for completing quests | Level Up Points

When completing all the quest, you will receive 5000 Level Up Points that do not burn out after the reset, as well as other valuable rewards in the form of items | stones.

At the moment, the system has 170 game quest.

Every player should know!

Despite the fact that server rates are x100, character development speed is moderate. Be prepared for small difficulties, because overcoming them brings real pleasure! Forward - for new victories on glorytoua.online !

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