Сервер OmniaMu

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Сервер OmniaMu
  • Игра: MU Online
  • Рейты: Exp30Drop20
  • О сервере
  • Баннер

Omnia Mu is the version for any player. Casual, hardcore, solo and groups. On this journey, you will be a part of everything you want, from farming strong monsters to intense and large-scale multi-objective battles. Only one real question remains... Are you ready!

Season 4 Exclusive

Exp: x30 [Premium x35];

Drop: 20% [Premium 25%];

Master Exp: x10 [Premium x15];

Master LvL max: 300;

Max level: 400;

Maximum number of resets: 30;

Grand reset from: 30 resets;

Maximum number of stats in 1 characteristic: 32767;

Maximum number in a party: 5;

Max Grand Reset : 10;

Reliable protection against all kinds of cheats and dupes;

Available to receive bonuses through voting for the server;

Spots for 6-7 monsters;

Fixed a bug for selling Wings (Zen);

We guarantee stable server operation 24/7/365;

Timely update of the server and site!

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