- Игра: MU Online
- Рейты: x10Hard
- Exp: 10%
- Drop: 20%
- Servers: Season 4 maximum
- Maximum Level: 400
- Maximum stats: 32767
- Maximum member in party: 5
- Guild System: Max 25 players in a guild for normal classes
- Party Exp System: bonus for gold party.
- We guarantee the stable server 24/7.
- Helper till 350lvl 5 reset.
- Create Guild: 200 level.
- Stats per level: 5/7/7.
- Autoclicker available at level 1.
- New monsters, new bosses.
- Spots in all locations 6 monsters respawn 5 seconds.
- All monsters are reconfigured, balanced for x10 rates.
- Pvp options available all the things from the Leather to the socket.
- Off-Exp system.
- A unique Quest System.
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