Сервер OathRagnarok
- Игра: Ragnarok Online
- Рейты: 1x99/50Pre-Renewal
- Название: OathRagnarok
- Сайт: oathragnarok.com
- О сервере
- Баннер
Pre= Renewal (only 2 class) rate 1x 1x 1x drop card 0.2 - 0.3% have all cards and all episods open
There has never been and will never be a RM in this game, openok (bot) will never draw things from GM to other characters. there are no advantages to players, except for increased rates on holidays and various surprises. Otherwise, everyone is equal. No Kafra Shop. There is nothing to upset the balance of the game and the economy. Go play while rates, create parties, fight in pvp. Soon WOE in 3 weeks.